Anyway, exciting news, Oprah has decided to go VEGAN for 21 days, following author Kathy Frestons book Quantum Wellness: A Practical and Spiritual Guide to Health and Happiness
You can read more about her experience during this "detox" by following her blog here.
I really like the passage from her Day 1 post where she writes
"In the passage, Kathy talks about an overweight friend who would gain and lose. She didn't conquer the weight issue until she became a "conscious" eater.
Conscious eater. That struck a nerve. I had recently come to the conclusion that after spending weeks reading and rereading A New Earth and being on line with Eckhart Tolle that bringing a higher level of awareness to my eating was the solution I'd been avoiding. My idea of a conscious eater, however, was not quite the same as Kathy's.
I thought it meant not allowing yourself to eat emotionally and filling the void of anxiety with food, as I've struggled with for years. I thought it meant taking your time, making healthy choices and chewing slowly—being conscious of every bite and not scarfing down a meal and then thinking about the next one.
That is one level of consciousness. But what she talks about in her book is a higher level. She speaks of "spiritual integrity." How can you say you're trying to spiritually evolve, without even a thought about what happens to the animals whose lives are sacrificed in the name of gluttony?
So this 21-day cleanse gives me a chance to think about it differently and see what my attachments are to certain kinds of foods—and what I'm willing to do to change. Don't know if I'm going to feel better or worse, but I'm willing to try to see if my body at least feels differently."
I really hope she chooses to remain vegan for life once this 21 days is over. And perhaps with her huge following, a large chunk of her fans will follow suit!
1 comment:
when i went vegan 2 years ago i wasn't sure what i was going to eat, but it has been waaaaay better than i thought it would be. almost everything i had when i was eating meat i am still eating, but without the animal products (cheesesteaks from govindas in philadephia, bacon cheeseburger from foodswings in brooklyn,nyc, chicken parm from greenlight in trenton, nj. since going vegan i haven't had one cold or flu, and am much more relaxed than before
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