Ok, so it seems most people view PETA as basically a terrorist organization and that view is also shared by many vegans. As many vegans feel PETA gives us a bad name because they do silly things such as having naked people in the streets protesting fur or wearing lettuce bikinis, etc.
I, however, think they are fabulous for doing such things. What better way to get attention for your cause than having naked women in NYC streets? I don't hear carnivores complaining about naked women when they are not doing it for animal rights. And dressing in a lettuce bikini sounds like a fun way to get people talking about an issue. It's better than screaming our views in their faces.
Regardless of how PETA goes about doing what they do, no one can deny they do good work and get stuff done. Look at the recent victory in the KFC case.
As far as I can tell, change does not happen when people choose to be quiet or not make waves. I do believe we should be nice about how we approach enlightening others about the cruelty involved in eating animal flesh, however, remaining quiet is not the answer. If women just sat back and didn't try to gain rights, we still wouldn't be able to vote or get jobs.
Change comes from making others aware. And if some think it silly, I find it refreshing. I am an intelligent person, but I believe in having fun. Even in school, if a teacher or professor just spews truths at you, you are not very interested and the class seems mundane, but if s/he makes the learning fun, it attracts attention from students and makes them want to learn.
This is my opinion, now what's yours?
They Might Be Gigantes
2 days ago
1 comment:
Ok, first of all I think PETA does a lot of good! ( Hope they keep giving the fast food industry hell). My concern is some of the erratic publicity I've heard over the years, about them and some offspring groups.
Anyone challenging them gets sort of a Scientologist type bird watch on them.
As the superior species we should be open minded and constantly open to new ideas and a pursuit of something we can all agree on, In some dynamic level, that maybe benefits both sides of the ecosystem.
Just so you all know where I'm coming from,( I do eat meat and have boots made out of leather! Yes.Sorry, not pleather). I love animals and I think the EPA is a total joke.
What I 100% agree with PETA on is purposeful neglect and cruelty to animals, which could include a lot of things.
I think PETA, though turns a blind eye to some extremist ideas, which I do not like and seem 2 fall flat with the real world. This in essence, will only chip away at their credibility as an organization with so much potential, which I'm sorry it already has!
As far as why I eat meat, and why other animals eat meat, thats a whole new blog.
What I'm trying to get arcross here is there needs to be oversight in the meat industry, and people not chained to the belief system of 1 animal rights organization!!
Vegetarianism is a choice/lifestyle/way of life which I personally respect! Don't push your new mantra on me, I eat meat, I'd like to see that the cruelty to animals too be eaten reformed, and other testing facilities to be a bit more weary of the importance of their research! But for fucks sake, keep you fingers too yourself. Because the scientologists are about to start a cult war with you if you step on their turf!
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