Thursday, July 31, 2008

Vegan Condoms

Hmm, maybe I am just stupid, but I never knew that latex usually contains casein! Well, I guess you do learn something new everyday.
So, if you use condoms, check out to see if your brand is listed. You can find vegan condoms on sites like or The Sensual (which also has other vegan intimacy items.)
Be sure to remain cruelty free while having fun!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Great Video

This is an awesome video, check it out. It tells the story of a lion named Christian who was adopted at a Harrods pet store and later freed in Africa. It is so heartwarming.

And Born Free is an amazing charity, check it out, too! They are dedicated to keeping wildlife in the wild. They work to eridicate zoos and the like and rescue animals from a life of misery.

Please take a second to vote for Born Free as the charity of the week on this website.

Monday, July 21, 2008


I love my comic strips. They make me laugh and I do need to laugh.
Anyway, one I do like a whole lot is Non Sequitur. Well, call me sensitive but a few weeks ago, I was offended by a strip where the father was reading to the daughter and it was a spin on Hansel and Gretel where they ate from the house and it was actually made of tofu and the father called the owner of the house, the "evil vegan."

Today, Mr. Wiley has redeemed himself with this strip. Very nice.

Nice Quote

This isn't vegan, but it does apply to my bipolar in a sense. I saw this quote in an email someone sent me and it reminded me of an incidence which seems to be quite common.

Unfortunately, being bipolar really does make things difficult in that with the mood swings I am prone to, I can be in a perfectly fine mood and the tiniest thing can set me on a seemingly endless downward spiral. This can happen quite often and this story is just one of many of this happening.

In a nutshell, it was just a random day and some guy was just a mean jerk. I screwed up and being human, that is to be expected from time to time, but he flew off the handle and just started screaming at me. I am a very sensitive person and this just completely took me by surprise. I was going to work and trying not to cry. Well, it just sent me on my way to a deep depression and I remember thinking how unfair it was that just one tiny moment in time can completely devastate me for a full day or longer.

So, anyway, this quote just struck me and it is something I do try to abide by, but again, being human, sometimes I fail. I wish I knew who said it so I could properly assign credit, but alas, I do not. Here it is:

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Newest Purely Decadent

Has anyone seen this flavor in stores yet? I love Turtle Mountain frozen desserts and cannot wait to try this line. If you have found it and tried it, please let me know your opinions. I have not seen it in a store yet.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

One Step Closer for Dogs in Massachusetts!

The jackasses that own the MA dogtracks have been shot down in their efforts to block the November ballot question asking voters whether to ban dog racing in Massachusetts.

This is a great victory, but only in a battle. We still have a long way to go. So, if you live in MA, make sure you vote in November. It is going to be question 3 on the ballot, we need to vote to make sure it is made illegal!

Link to article. It is one of several articles on the page, scroll down.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Summer Vacation

Yes, it has been very difficult to get online with 2 kids running around my feet all day. Vacation for who? Not me.

Anyway, with the 2 kids home from school, I have precious little time to log onto the computer and check email or blog anything, but I will try my best.

We did go away, and what made dh think it was a good idea to drive 8 hrs. with 7 people anyway? My relaxing vacation of 3 nights/4 days was spent spending 8 hrs. each way in the 3rd row of a minivan squeezed between 2 dh and my sister. Mind you, I do love them dearly, but this was not fun. The hotel couldn't manage to get us into our rooms for about 3 hrs. after we arrived and by then it was past 6 p.m.

Next time, I definitely fly. No more driving vacations for me!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Store Wars - A Great Video

If you like Star Wars, you will LOVE Store Wars. This is a very funny video. Enjoy.

Health Benefits of Going Vegan

I have been so busy lately, no time to check email or post on the blogs. Sorry, but I bring you a great link today. I will post again soon.

Here is a link to a great article on 57 Health Benefits of Going Vegan.