This isn't vegan, but it does apply to my bipolar in a sense. I saw this quote in an email someone sent me and it reminded me of an incidence which seems to be quite common.
Unfortunately, being bipolar really does make things difficult in that with the mood swings I am prone to, I can be in a perfectly fine mood and the tiniest thing can set me on a seemingly endless downward spiral. This can happen quite often and this story is just one of many of this happening.
In a nutshell, it was just a random day and some guy was just a mean jerk. I screwed up and being human, that is to be expected from time to time, but he flew off the handle and just started screaming at me. I am a very sensitive person and this just completely took me by surprise. I was going to work and trying not to cry. Well, it just sent me on my way to a deep depression and I remember thinking how unfair it was that just one tiny moment in time can completely devastate me for a full day or longer.
So, anyway, this quote just struck me and it is something I do try to abide by, but again, being human, sometimes I fail. I wish I knew who said it so I could properly assign credit, but alas, I do not. Here it is:
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."
They Might Be Gigantes
2 days ago
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