Evidently, according to my aunt, I offend people.
My parents had a small cookout and my aunt brought a dessert made with Cruel Whip. My mother asked me to carry a plate of this dessert and I made a face of disgust at this pile of cream stuff. I said something to the effect that I wasn't trying to offend her, only that as a vegan I didn't want to carry the plate of cream and I think I sometimes offend people. She replied that I do offend people.
So I guess if I was from another culture and I ate some exotic thing that most Americans are not use to, I could come here and give her a plate of whatever she might find disgusting and expect her not to be disgusted? Or if she were disgusted, I should be offended?
I don't know, the way I look at it is that these carnivores offend me on a constant basis with their plates full of carcasses and they don't give a shit that it bothers me, so why should I give a shit about offending them by making a face at their nasty food?
Ok, so if I shouldn't care, why does it bother me? I wish it didn't, but I guess I am just so pissed that I can't seem to go anywhere without having to see animals cooking or being eaten and God forbid I make any comment, because then I am the bad guy, yada yada.
So now I don't even want to leave the house. I am sick and fucking tired of being surrounded by people who don't have a problem with animal cruelty.
Ok, so now I guess I will just go get drunk and forget about it.
They Might Be Gigantes
2 days ago
I know this is an old post of yours but I just came across your blog and read it.
I just wanted to say that I know exactly how you feel. I am tired of justifying myself and coming across as the weirdo who won't eat something because it has got butter or cream in it.
I have only been a vegan for 4 months and I am planning to stay that way, but people's reaction and, as a consequence, the changes in my social life have been far worse than giving up cheese.
However I think it is important to make it a positive change in my life. As vegan, we strive to be compassionate being. Being aggressive and getting angry doesn't serve our cause...
I feel, and I want to believe, that things are changing and it will get better with time. Yesterday, my boyfriend (who isn't a vegan) was saying that he'll be happy to give up ham and canned tuna once he finds a good alternative for his lunchtime sandwich. Believe me, this is a huge step for him!
Congrats on becoming vegan. It can be tough, but it really is worth it! When I became vegan, no one around here even knew what the word meant, and they didn't really know what vegetarians were either. Though that is still sometimes the case. I love the people who still ask if I eat fish. WTF?!!
Anyway, as I was telling my son the other day, sometimes we make the unpopular choice and people make fun of us and that can be tough to live with, but in the end, we realize that we are doing what is right and we have to follow our own beliefs and stay true to our hearts.
Good luck with your boyfriend. My husband used to be full carnivore, but gave up red meat after we were married a couple of years. Now, he eats 98% vegan. So, I wish he were 100%, but he does his best.
Good luck and remember, it isn't always easy doing the right thing, but it is the best way to go.
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