OK, Lindy Loo, I am taking you up on your dare, however, I believe I will only perpetrate the boring vegan rumors.
Link to Yeah That Vegan Shits meme dare.
What's your biggest guilty pleasure in the way of food?
I have many, unfortunately, but I will agree the fake meat thing is one of the biggest. I wish I could quit 'em, but oh well.
Have you ever done anything nasty to anyone's food and then served it to them?
No, but will admit to being tempted!
Have you ever lied to an omni, telling them you were serving them something meaty but instead serving them veg-food?
No, anyone who knows me well enough to eat my food knows my militant feelings on eating or serving anything containing animal anything!
Have you ever been arrested? If so, what for?
Yes, assault and battery. However, this was when I was 15.
What is the weirdest thing you've ever done in the sack?
Nothing that I would consider weird. As Lindy says, weird is very subjective.
Who's the weirdest person you've ever done (or thought about while) in the sack?
Ok, so here I really will sound like the stereotypical moralistic vegan as the only person I have ever slept with is my husband. Yes, I started dating him when I was 16 and have been with him ever since. I don't recall thinking about anyone weird while in the sack. See, told ya I would sound lame.
If, for the rest of your life, you could only have sexual relations with folks in one manner/style/position, what would it be?
Again, I will sound lame, but I would pick missionary as that works best for me.
Do you have any weird fetishes? (i.e. Turned on by orange oily feces)
Not really, I tend to go ga-ga when I see that area on a man that is just under the abs leading down to his goods. Of course, it has to be really cut and defined to really get me going.
As for the oily feces thing, that just turned me off for at least a month!
What's your worst drunken experience?
It wasn't sexual per se, but once got so drunk I had to be carried outside and kept lifting my shirt up for some reason, then puked in someone's shoe. I guess it was worse for the person who had vomit shoe than it was for me.
If you could eat any vegan food off another person's body, what would it be?
Strawberries and vegan whipped cream.
Have you ever done anything naughty with a vegetable?
No, good thing you didn't ask about fruit.....
Do you think your mom would sleep with me if I asked nicely?
No way.
Do you have any tatts or piercings?
one tattoo, I want more, but had a very weird reaction to the one I have and almost lost my leg! Will probably eventually get tatts with my kids names in them though.
As for piercings, again, I have several ear piercings, but cannot wear any earrings as I have a severe allergic reaction whenever I try to wear them, so never got any other piercings as I didn't want to walk around looking like a huge ball of infected holes.
Any strange names for you and your partner's privates (and/or your sex toys)?
Are you into PDA?
Only hand holding and small pecks.
Have you ever cheated on a significant other?
Only when I was young and if you can consider who your dating in your teen years a significant other.
Did you ever walk in on your parents doing it when you were younger?
Ugh, unfortunately, yes. Thanks for bringing that memory back Lindy!
What's one of the craziest things you've ever done?
Too many to count, but the one that jumped into my mind is the time a friend and I decided to blow bubbles into a math class in high school and the teacher chased us into the bathroom. He refused to leave the bathroom door until we came out, so I jumped out a window and almost broke my leg. Ah, good times.....
If you could get it on with any vegetarian you know--famous or not--who would it be?
Unfortunately, Orlando Bloom is no longer vegetarian, damnnnnnnn. So I am thinking Jared Leto.
They Might Be Gigantes
2 days ago
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